My name is Alicia Baxter, and I am an Elementary Education major at the University of South Alabama. I also have 21 semester hours in general science to accomplish highly qualified status. I hope to become a middle school science teacher after I graduate. I love the gratification of inspiring students and the thrill in their eyes when the light bulb finally turns on. I not only want to make a difference in my student's lives, but I feel obligated to do everything in my power to prepare them for college and beyond. I have high expectations for all my students, and I will achieve this by covering course content, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills in every subject I teach.
My Teaching Philosophy


Reading is the most common subject in which students quickly fall behind at an early age. Students either love reading or hate it. The important aspect to remember is to keep reading interesting. I am not a big fan of reading chapters out of the textbook. My students will be given reading assignment out of newspapers, magazines, Internet sources, journals, etc. I will have them find an article that relates the the topic we are studying in class, read the entire article, and give a brief summary on how it relates to the topic. I will also have them highlight any words they are unsure of, we will discuss them in class. Hopefully, this approach to reading will inspire the students to read a variety of material.